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What do you need to do to optimize your website

Source: Popularity: 2316 Published time: 2018-05-22 14:43:46

First, the website construction needs to be careful

When it comes to website construction, many people feel that it is very simple, there is nothing to say, a little understand the procedure, take care of the template, a website can be successfully launched in a short time。

However, there is another point of view, that is, marketing websites are more popular, why do many people like marketing websites?Because this website architecture is directly around the search engine search engine development and research,And we know that search engines are quite resistant to copying,所以,Build a different website,It is equal to the site in the starting point has been higher than those simple architecture of the site,Usually the website is longer,The higher the weight,那么,The new station wants to outdo the old one,It should be at an altitude from the start,This can greatly shorten the gap with competitors。

What do SEO websites need to do

The advantages of choosing a customized website are not only to ensure the originality and search engine friendliness, but also to rationalize the layout of the website page。In traditional websites, most of them exist in the form of blocks, and to the mobile Internet, this broad web layout has been developed in the direction of narrow and refined layout。The website page layout should not only be reasonable but also have certain guidelines for users, while meeting the user experience, less, visually mobile websites and PC websites have been very different。Then, for those old website layout, has already been in the ranks of elimination, if not carefully selected such a page, the website is quite unfavorable。

Secondly, the layout of the website content needs attention

What kind of content is conducive to website?A lot of people would say, of course it's original content。Because the original content can be quickly included by search engines, these alone are enough?In fact, the website content layout is a very complex problem, a good content, should meet the requirements of highlights, be included and let the user satisfaction, with readability。

Why do you say that?Website content is the soul of the entire website, with rich and full content will reflect the value of the existence of the website, there is no content of the website he has no value。It is important and necessary to write some original content that users need, but it cannot be denied that the content created by others is more beautiful and deeper than that written by you。So, it is not impossible to take good articles from hand to hand, but at this time, do not copy and copy the simple thing, so as to engage in secondary creation。

With rich content, it is necessary to organically connect these contents in series, yes, is to do a good job in the construction of the internal chain of the website, through the content to ensure that the links within the station can be interlinked, so as to form a strong inter-chain network within the station。

After that, the website data analysis needs to be accurate

We need to know, what does SEO really do?Many people will think that SEO just send articles, send outside the chain?In fact, a qualified SEO also has a job, that is, the effective analysis of website data。The analysis of data is very important, not only through the relevant indicators to see the SEO effect, but more importantly, according to these data to analyze what problems exist in the SEO work, so as to make some improvements。Search engines are constantly changing, and we must constantly detect and adjust the direction of websitalization, so as to ensure the durability and correctness of SEO effects。

显然,Website SEO wants to achieve results,No doubt about the attention to detail,This detail is not just one aspect,But through the website from the launch to the upgrade version of all aspects,Many SEO experiences are generalities,Want to truly understand the true meaning of SEO,Need to constantly explore and summarize in practice,Improve on the details,So that the weight of the website steadily rise,In order to truly make a website reflect the value。

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